website statistics unique visitors
There are many programs available that allow you to track visitors on your site, how they got to you and what they did while they were there. the statistics can be a. Real visitors. we track & identify unique visitors, and do not annonimize this data, meaning you can search and zoom into each individual visit and the clicks they. Learn about free tools that will help you find out how much traffic (or hits) a website gets on the internet, where is the traffic coming from and how is a site.
Absolute unique visitor – web analytics; can distinguish between visitors who only visit the site once and unique visitors who return to data types and. Web analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of web data for purposes of understanding and optimizing web usage. however, web analytics is not. Live web stats and traffic analytics. observe your visitors interacting with your web site in real time! 5-minute installation. try it for free!.